I found the theory behind Kolbs learning cycle very interesting, and whilst able to see immediately where I fitted in with regards to uploading my blog (Reflective Observation), I found myself thinking about other situations and whether this was true of me always. I also tested it out on some other people to see if they could identify where they fitted into the cycle, and more often than not they pointed to more than one stage on the cycle. It can be hard as Adesola says in the Reader we all do all of these things; it’s just working out what our preferred way of learning is and where it is that we actually start to learn something new.
Having researched into it a little more, I found that Kolbs cycle goes in to further detail about our learning. As well as the four learning stages it can be divided into four quarterly sections. Each section combines two of your preferred learning stages in order to give you your learning style. This really clicked with me and i could now see much clearer where I fitted into the cycle.
I am a Diverger, i learn through feeling and watching. A typical diverger is able to look at things from different perspectives. They prefer to watch rather than do first and use their imagination to solve problems.
Maybe the below cycle will help you figure out where you fit in!