Friday 29 April 2011

Help...confused about word count again!!!

Hi Guys

Wondered if anyone could help!?

I am wondering about the word count on the assignment which says not to exceed 3000 words but in the programme hand book it says we are "expected to keep within +/- 500 words of the specific word count".

I know i asked the same question last term, and was told it was fine to go over which i did but because this term it says do not exceed 3000 words i am unsure if we are aloud to go over!?!

Any help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance and i hope everyone is getting on ok with it all.


  1. I to need clarification of this as at present I am WELL over? Anyone no the answer? x

  2. It contradicts the student handbook that says there is 500 word allowance.
    I emailed Adesola to ask whether we should follow the student handbook or the module guide on the word count. My word count is 3331 and she said that mine was fine.
    Hope that helps!

  3. Thats great thank you Tamsin, mine is 3496 lol so I have followed the student hand book and just hope that this is ok
    Thanks again
